Since the outbreak of Covid 19 we have taken a very disciplined approach to the safety and wellbeing of our clients and operatives and, because the bulk of our work is in people’s homes, chose not to return to work until there were clear guidelines in place and the spread of the virus was in decline. Now that both of these have been met we are easing ourselves back and are happy to be serving our clients again.
Moving forward we have established the following procedures
Risk Assessment
- We will undertake a virtual or onsite risk assessment of each and every job and will advise clients, and our team, of any site specific measures we need to be put in place during the works.
General Onsite Procedures
- We would ask clients to advise us if there are vulnerable or at risk people residing in the property, or indeed if any member of the household has shown signs of being infected with coronavirus.
- If work is being undertaken inside a property we would ask clients to ensure that all doors, from entrance to the work area, are left open.
- During the work being undertaken we request that windows, and doors, can be open to create a safe airflow through the work area.
- If there is a need to discuss job details with our team then we’ll try to do so outside or if inside we recommend the use of a face covering.
- Our team have hand sanitiser and PPE and will wipe down any handles or surfaces that they touch whilst in the property.
- It’s likely that our operatives will need to use a tap or toilet facilities, so if possible we suggest allocating one that will only be used by our team during the works.
- If it’s likely that clients will need to pass through the work area during the works (such as a hallway) then we would expect clients and our operatives to agree a way to communicate the need to pass through allowing the operative to remove themselves to a safe distance.
- We kindly ask clients not to offer our operatives drinks or snacks. In the interests of safety they will provide their own.
- If the client, or our operative, feel that these procedures are not suitable for the job in hand then we will remove ourselves from site until such times that a safe working environment can be provided and may charge for the elements of work undertaken up to that point.
Let’s do this together! Stay Safe and Protect The NHS.